Thursday, April 29, 2010


21 days.
That is all that stands between me and an airplane to Africa.
21 days.
That is all that stands between me and a life changing experience.
In 21 days the me who I've been for 29 years is subject to change.

Will the changes be everything that I expect? Probably not. To be honest the closer it gets, the fewer days, the smaller my count down number gets, the more nervous and uncertain I am. This is not meant to be mistaken as wanting to back out or changing my mind. This is not to be confused with lack of excitement. Simply fear of the unknown.

What will foreign airports be like? What will it be like to see signs in languages I can't even pretend to understand? How easy will it be to find our connecting flight?

What will my first glimpse of Africa be like? Will it be engraved in my mind forever or just a fleeting moment I will struggle to remember? What will Africa smell like? How long will it take to get adjusted to the time change?

My list of questions could go on forever, or I could get there and be absolutely speachless.

In 21 days I will know.

I. Can't. Wait.

1 comment:

  1. All in all it's in God's hands and so are you :) You will be blessed in it all and I am certain that it will be life changing experience that you will never forget. :) Don't sweat the small stuff... just enjoy the ride. :)
    Trust in him and he will see you through. :)
